
Document Delivery

The library provides partial digital copies of documents, except for texts that can be damaged by the copying procedure, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and repertoires. Only indexes and bibliographies can be scanned from theses and dissertations.

The service complies with the current Italian copyright laws: it is therefore possible to scan up to 15% of books and magazines, for study and personal research purposes only.

Requests can be submitted:

For more information call (+39) 0514299411.

All requests will be answered within 3 working days.


  • free up to 10 pages
  • € 4 from 10 to 20 pages
  • € 8 from 20 to 30 pages
  • Over 30 pages, an authorization and an economic quote by the Library Manager are required.

Requests can also be submitted within the NILDE (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange) platform. Biblioteca Italiana delle Donne is part of this project.

Here you can find instructions to get started with NILDE.

To access the Document Delivery service, you must be registered in the library.
