With the new Local Integrated Loan you can request up to 3 books available in all the city libraries involved to be delivered to a library of your choice for free.
If the title sought is not available in your favourite library, you can request it directly from other city libraries: within a few days the book will be delivered for free to your library, to which the document will be returned after the loan has expired.
The Local Integrated Loan is available at Biblioteca Italiana delle Donne.

How to use the Local Integrated Loan

  • books requested up until Monday afternoon will be available at your library of choice on Friday of the same week)
  • books requested starting from Tuesday morning onwards will be available at your library of choice on Friday of the following week

The books remain available at the library’s info desk for 3 working days, until the following Tuesday.

The Local Integrated Loan cannot be extended.

You can submit up to 3 requests.

Requests can be submitted:

For more information call (+39) 0514299411.

To access the Local Integrated Loan service you must be registered and show the Bologna Libraries’ Institution User Card or a valid ID.